The measure of life is not its duration but its donation.

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callirrhoe charity helps


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for parkison’s researchs

Callirrhoe is committed to help people in need.

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Million with no Access to Healthy Water

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africa program

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Charity in 2015

Benevolent People Words

  • In May 2015, I was diagnosed with a lymphoma. Had I read Duke’s book then, it would have helped me so much in dealing with my diagnosis, my fear of the unknown, and the chemotherapy. When I realize what he went through and the amazing positive attitude he had, it puts what I went through in perspective.

    Robert Florence M.D.
  • As I sit with some downtime at work I am at a point in the  book I'm Alive Courage, Hope, and a Miracle where Duke talks about "Adapting". He says if you don't have a positive attitude with what life can throw at you, you can count on pretty much being screwed. Good words to live by as I am dealing with some tough pain issues right now and have been told I need to have neurosurgery. The book is helping me deals with my own issues and I just really wanted him to know how much he has once again helped another person with his words of wisdom. So thank you for sharing your story in the book I'm Alive Courage, Hope, and a Miracle with me.

    Karen Olson Johns Radiologist at Regions Hospital
  • First, I’m sorry that it has taken awhile to get this to you. I wish I had a better excuse, but mostly it was procrastination. I’m usually pretty good with words, but this task was a daunting challenge for me.   After you gave me the book, I remember calling you and telling you that you had taken a week out of my life, but that it was one of the best and toughest weeks I could remember. I read that book in four evenings. It was one of the most compelling stories I had read in a long time. It is such a soaring story, one moment looking down from the top of the mountain with fourteen-year-old Duke Pieper and the next feeling crushed in despair by the tragic turn his life had taken. I found myself with tears in my eyes and then smile on my lips and then joy as I read the words describing Duke’s extraordinary achievements at an unbelievable young age, his brush with death, his total paralysis, his loss of hearing and sight. His story of recovery is inspirational. I love the way in which his story is told. In his own words he talks about his preparation for a life a hockey, of his hopes of high school, college and life in the NHL. He tells of his despair when it all fell from his fingers.   He tells us about his family, their strength and resilience that helped him begin and achieve more physical and emotional recovery than anyone could have ever expected. I loved the interspersing of “Intermission” writings by people who had touched Duke’s life and had been deeply touched by his. I don’t think anyone can read Duke’s book without being profoundly touched by it. I have bought many copies and given them to a variety of friends and without exception they have called to thank me for giving them Duke’s book because it had helped them through some tough moments in their life. This is a book that can help anyone who is feeling down on life. More importantly, it is a book with a message of joy. That joy is spelled out by Duke having survived all of these terrible things and now has a whole new life telling his story and enriching other people’s lives. God works in mysterious ways, doesn’t he?

    Richard T. Mulcrone

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Book Duke Today

With the help of The Pieper Hope and Courage Foundation, you can find the strength to overcomes life’s most difficult challenges. Through Duke Pieper’s courageous story and instructions for a positive outlook, you’ll be looking on the brighter side of life. Duke would love to be at your next event. Contact him today.